Sunday, September 23, 2007

harebrained ideas.

When I started this blog, the intention was to write about exactly what the title suggests. The joke was that "Men and whiskey" were two of my favourite things in the world, and the two things that I probably shouldn't constantly rant and write about in my other blogs or journals. I told very few friends about its existence, despite the fact that it is not difficult to hunt down.

As it turns out, the two groups of real life people that read this blog most often fall into the categories of "men" and "whiskey drinking partners," which makes it somewhat difficult to conscientiously write about them.

It makes stories significantly less interesting, especially if you have no idea who I am.

So - maybe it's time this were more of a real blog.


I'm 24.

I live in LA, and I feel like a stranger, albeit one that is never bored.

I work a corporate job, and I work as a theatre designer. The combination does work. Somehow.

I am afraid of commitment, failure and spiders.

I dislike cellphones and clowns. Most people just say they dislike clowns. But I really do dislike them.

I've tended to be a jack of all trades, which is often useful, although the "master of none" accompaniment is not.

I believe that fortune favours the brave, and I can only hope that I do not cross the line into foolhardy.


Coming soon - posts about first world problems and dinner.

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