As I ended my work day, I decided that a hot, relaxing bath would be exactly what I needed.
However, having left work at 10pm, my choices were to stop at Ralphs or Walgreens after I parked my car. Walgreens was the slightly more scenic, relaxing route.
And with that, I present Exhibit A:
Not originally on my shopping list, but definitely on my receipt:
1. Flowers. Please note that I do regularly purchase flowers for my apartment, and that I am not pathetically buying myself flowers on a lonely Monday night. However, my choices at Walgreens were a reasonably not dead looking bunch of roses and daisies, and a rather wilted bunch of 12 red roses. Clearly, I went for the former.
2. Haagen Dazs' Butter Pecan. One of my standard favourites. Also, not much variety in the frozen food cabinet.
3. Pillar candles(vanilla scented and unscented ones) and a low bowl with rocks. I will now misuse the word "karma" and say that this is definitely karma for my having incessantly made fun of various friends for having low bowls with rocks. They are utterly useless. And yet, I now own a low bowl with rocks.
4. Architectural Digest. For reading while soaking in the tub. I know it's Architectural Digest. The magazine rack at Walgreens leaves a lot to be desired, and this was the only thing I would have picked up in any possible case when the other reasonable (somewhat) choices were Martha Stewart's Living and something extolling the virtues of full figured women.
Not pictured is a bottle of cheap wine, as Walgreens does not carry alcohol, a fact that I learned belatedly and to a great degree of disappointment.
The bath was good and appropriately relaxing, albeit feeling a little bit like the kind of bath you order at a trying-to-be-classy hotel, what with the cheesy flowers and candles but minus a hot room service attendant.
The point of this is that for approximately $20, and the assistance of your friendly neighbourhood drug store, you too can recreate a tacky, faux-romantic evening in the comfort of your own home. It's fun, really.
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